Source code for django_celery_beat.tzcrontab

"""Timezone aware Cron schedule Implementation."""
from celery import schedules

from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime
import pytz

schedstate = namedtuple('schedstate', ('is_due', 'next'))

[docs]class TzAwareCrontab(schedules.crontab): """Timezone Aware Crontab.""" def __init__( self, minute='*', hour='*', day_of_week='*', day_of_month='*', month_of_year='*', tz=pytz.utc, app=None ): """Overwrite Crontab constructor to include a timezone argument.""" = tz nowfun = self.nowfunc super().__init__( minute=minute, hour=hour, day_of_week=day_of_week, day_of_month=day_of_month, month_of_year=month_of_year, nowfun=nowfun, app=app )
[docs] def nowfunc(self): return pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcnow()) )
[docs] def is_due(self, last_run_at): """Calculate when the next run will take place. Return tuple of ``(is_due, next_time_to_check)``. The ``last_run_at`` argument needs to be timezone aware. """ # convert last_run_at to the schedule timezone last_run_at = last_run_at.astimezone( rem_delta = self.remaining_estimate(last_run_at) rem = max(rem_delta.total_seconds(), 0) due = rem == 0 if due: rem_delta = self.remaining_estimate( rem = max(rem_delta.total_seconds(), 0) return schedstate(due, rem)
# Needed to support pickling def __repr__(self): return """<crontab: {0._orig_minute} {0._orig_hour} {0._orig_day_of_week} {0._orig_day_of_month} {0._orig_month_of_year} (m/h/d/dM/MY), {}> """.format(self) def __reduce__(self): return (self.__class__, (self._orig_minute, self._orig_hour, self._orig_day_of_week, self._orig_day_of_month, self._orig_month_of_year,, None) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, schedules.crontab): return (other.month_of_year == self.month_of_year and other.day_of_month == self.day_of_month and other.day_of_week == self.day_of_week and other.hour == self.hour and other.minute == self.minute and == return NotImplemented